Tag: Pluto in Capricorn

Setting the Stage: 2024 Year-Ahead Astrology Forecast

2024 sets the stage for the much bigger show that happens in the second half of the decade. We should get some tantalizing glimpses of what’s to come.

The Astrology of Pluto in Aquarius, 2024 Edition

Pluto completes its ingress into Aquarius in 2024. Welcome to the cyberpunk era.

The Astrology of Pluto in Aquarius 2023

Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius in March 2023 marks a shift from the transformation and destruction of Capricornian institutional structures to Aquarian social structures. Prepare for quakes in your social foundations.

Money and Justice: Canada’s 2022 Cancer Ingress Astrology Forecast

We are almost at the summer solstice, which is the Cancer ingress in astrological terms – this is when the Sun enters Cancer and marks the start of summer in the northern hemisphere. The Aries […]

Money, Money, Money: Canada’s 2022 Aries Ingress Astrology Forecast

A time-honoured method of astrological forecasting is to look at the Aries ingress chart set for the exact moment the Sun enters Aries in a nation’s capital. This is a surprisingly accurate way to see […]

A Taurus rising mourns her loss of taste

It’s a very strange, disorienting sensation to lose your sense of smell and taste. I have COVID right now. Around day five, I realized I could barely smell or taste anything. I noticed this at […]

The Astrology of 2022: Mars Retrograde in Gemini

*Update August 20, 2022: This is the first article I wrote about the Mars transits in 2022. I have since written a few more recent articles:  Astrology Horoscopes for Mars in Gemini 2022 War of […]

The Astrology of Canada’s Libra Ingress 2021

Happy Libra ingress! At the Aries ingress this spring, I posted an interpretation for Alberta. I’m going to revisit that shortly and post a new one for the Libra ingress, but I decided to start […]

The Astrology of r/WallStreetBets

The natal chart of the WallStreetBets subreddit explains a lot about this infamous online investor group.