Tag: Astrology Forecast

Breaking the Dragon: 2024 Astrology Update on Nightbird Radio

Mel is back on Nightbird Radio talking about the astrology of 2024 – what happened in the first part of the year and what’s to come in the second half and into 2025. We talked about the Neptune Event Horizon/Saturn-Neptune Conjunction, Mars Retrograde in Leo/Cancer, Eclipses, Pluto in Aquarius, and more.

The Astrology of Pluto in Aquarius, 2024 Edition

Pluto completes its ingress into Aquarius in 2024. Welcome to the cyberpunk era.

Polite Instability: Canada’s 2024 Astrology Forecast

The 2024 astrology forecast of Canada reveals some major shifts for the country, including a possible federal election. Justin Trudeau’s days in office are numbered, and the people of Canada are facing epochal shifts.

Israel and Saros 134: Studying the Astrology of October 2023’s Eclipses

The solar eclipse on October 14, 2023 is intimately connected to the history and fate of Israel and its people.

Meet Your Chronocrator: Learn How to Use Annual Profections

Join Mel for a live lecture on annual profections, an astrological timing technique that reveals your annual time-lord, or chronocrator. Hone your prediction skills by learning which planets and houses will be activated for any given year.

Tales of A Virgo Stellium: Exploring Annual Profections in Rachael Ray’s Astrology Chart

With a massive stellium in Virgo, Rachael Ray’s natal chart might seem tricky to interpret. The traditional astrology technique of annual profections helps sort out how all her Virgo placements manifest.

The Astrology of Canada’s Bill C-11 Online Streaming Act

The astrology of Canada’s Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Act, shows a lot of future difficulties between Canada and the US.

Martial Spring, Venusian Fall: The Astrology of 2023’s Eclipses

2023’s eclipses mark a shift from the Taurus-Scorpio axis to Aries-Libra. Several main geopolitical events that began in 2022 will conclude this year, while a new set of events are about to begin.

2023 Astrology Update on Nightbird Radio

The astrology of early 2023 has been action-packed, so Mel returned to Nightbird Radio to review the astrological transits we’ve seen so far.

The Astrology of 2023

The astrology of 2023 is a major tone shift, with several planets making ingresses into new signs. Things are about to feel very different.

Happy New Year! 2022 Reflections and 2023 Astrology Preview

I accomplished a lot in 2022 – read this article for a recap of all my astrology work over the past year, as well as the link to a 2023 astrology forecast that I did with Nightbird Radio.

Full Moon in Aries 2022: Astrology Forecast

October 2022’s Full Moon gives a small beneficial window of opportunity where justice, truth and harmony may step to the forefront. There may be some harsh words, hopefully tempered into lively debates and productive discussions that move us all forward, together.