I’m a bit late in posting this, but better late than never!
Mars stationed retrograde in Leo on December 6, 2024. Mars has a retrograde period every couple of years, extending his visit to one or two signs by several months. This time around, Mars is taking his prison sentence vacation in Leo and Cancer.
For insight on how to deal with Mars retrogrades, read this article.
Here are the key dates for this Mars retrograde:
- October 14, 2024: Mars Rx shadow period begins at 17 Cancer
- December 6, 2024: Mars stations retrograde at 6 Leo
- January 6, 2025: MarsRx ingresses Cancer
- February 23, 2025: Mars stations direct at 17 Cancer
- May 1, 2025: Mars Rx shadow period ends at 6 Leo

In general, the fixed signs are going to feel this Mars retrograde most strongly during the first part (October through December 2024), and then the cardinal signs will take the hit (January-February 2025). That means if you have fixed or cardinal angles, especially your Ascendant, it will show up more prominently – particularly those with a Leo or Cancer Ascendant.
As well, if you have a lot of planets in Cancer and/or Leo, and/or Mars plays a very important role in your chart (especially natally, but also if he’s your annual timelord), this one will probably cause more ripples.
Finally, the sign/house in which your natal Mars resides can also be where this retrograde lands, so definitely keep that in mind as well.
I’m expecting the second part of the Mars retrograde cycle to be more difficult, because Mars is in his fall in Cancer. As well, the time periods when Mars will be opposite Pluto should be particularly volatile. Here are those dates:
- November 1 – 3, 2024
- December 31, 2024 – January 3, 2025
- April 24 – 27, 2025
These dates are when Mars and Pluto are opposite to the exact degree, but this energy will be in effect for a few days before and after the listed dates.
Finally, think back to the period around December 2009 and January-February 2010. This was the last time that Mars was retrograde in Leo. Sometimes there will be similar situations, events and people that occur in future cycles in the same sign.

See below for some short astrology forecasts for what each zodiac sign might experience during this Mars retrograde period. I’ve written these from a rising sign perspective, rather than your Sun sign. To find your rising sign, you need the exact date, time and location of your birth. As a side note, I offer rectification services if you don’t know your exact birth time.
Keep in mind that these forecasts are only focused on one specific part of your chart. It’s impossible to make really accurate predictions without considering the rest of your chart, so if you’re looking for a more nuanced forecast, book a reading with me.

Prepare for things to get messy with your kids, creativity, home and/or family. The retrograde begins in your fifth house, which signifies kids and creative pursuits of all kinds. If your kids seem to be particularly chaotic or difficult, try to do your best to help them through it but also give yourself space to feel particularly triggered, because that Mars rules your Ascendant so you’ll be taking everything personally. Conversely, this is a great time to channel any anger or frustration into creative projects of all kinds.
As the retrograde moves on, you may feel things shift into more conflict at home. This could even be issues with your physical house – check to make sure appliances are all in good working order and prepare for some things to break. Deflect the energy by taking on a home renovation project that you’ve been putting off – even something as simple as replacing some lightbulbs or tidying up the junk drawer. Parents and/or grandparents might also be a source of conflict or other issues, so conduct yourself accordingly. Mars might also stir up some conflicts in the private part of your life that you normally keep hidden from almost everyone.
Overall, the next few months might be particularly tough for you, so do your best to channel your innate martial tendencies (and you have a lot of them!) into more constructive avenues.

Your home and family, particularly parents, might be a big source of stress as the retrograde starts. Like Aries rising people, you might be able to channel this into more productive areas like home renovation/cleaning projects. Try to avoid overt conflicts at home. There may also be conflicts that arise in the private part of your life that you normally keep hidden from almost everyone – Mars may be challenging some things here.
As the retrograde progresses, your third house becomes highlighted and with that, there could be challenges with your car/daily form of transportation and communication of all kinds. Writers and other creatives take note: now might be a frustrating time to start new projects, but could be great for revising existing work. The third house also signifies siblings, extended family (cousins, uncles aunts) and close friends, so challenges may come up with them too. Watch out for conflicts at the holiday dinner table and do your best to navigate these peacefully.

Mars is storming through your third and second houses over the next few months, bringing up conflicts with your daily commute, cousins/extended family and close friends, and communication of all kinds. Now might be a good time to take on a fairly chill writing or education project to channel those third house energies – especially working on something already in motion. Watch out for car/transportation issues, particularly in December and early January.
Going into the New Year, you can expect more attention to shift onto your finances. This is a time of earning and burning money – more likely the latter, as unexpected expenses like to pop up with Mars in the second. It is a good time to set a budget and do other remedial finance activities to get your money situation in order.

Buckle up crab, because this is going to be a tough one. The retrograde begins in your second house so you may find yourself having to spend more money than usual – and it’s the holidays, so things are going to be especially straining on your bank account. It’s a great idea to create a budget and try to stick to it.
Moving into 2025, Mars enters your first house and you might really start feeling overwhelmed with Mars-related challenges. Emotional overload and burnout are definitely on the table, so it’s important to take it one day at a time and try not to overload your schedule with too many appointments and commitments. You may feel a strong desire to retreat, or to lash out in sudden emotional outbursts. Try to give yourself time to react and process before responding – easier said than done, I know!

Mars begins his retrograde right up in your face in the first house. You might feel particularly fired up, triggered, and/or aggravated during this time. It might be a time where you tend to take conflicts more personally than usual, so it can be a good idea to get a second opinion or take a breath and pause before acting on any aggression that you may feel. It’s also a time period where you may be more like to hurt yourself physically, so be careful with anything sharp and hot, in particular – cooking or using any kind of power tools or other things. It’s not a good time to go sky diving or do other daredevil extreme sports.
Partway through the cycle, Mars moves back into your twelfth house and you might feel a strong desire to retreat, or otherwise feel really burned out and exhausted. Take care of yourself first. However, be aware that you may also have others depending on you, so while self-care is important you will have to find a way to navigate your other obligations too. This could also be a time where some unwelcome people from the past pop up, so keep an eye out for that.

You might be in hermit mode for a good part of December and January, with Mars retrograde in your twelfth. You might feel particularly weary, burned out, and uninterested in being social. This could also be a time where some unwelcome people from the past pop up. Take care of yourself as best you can, and know that as the cycle continues right around New Year’s, Mars will move into your eleventh house.
This should bring a tone shift and you might find your energy levels pick up a bit. It does bring about a higher risk of more conflict with friends, community groups, coworkers, and other people in your wider circles. Again, err on the side of caution when dealing with interpersonal snafus.

Watch yourself at work and especially with your coworkers. Mars starts off by heating up your eleventh house of friends, community groups and coworkers. This could be a particularly volatile time within these groups, though sometimes it just ends up being you watching the drama unfolding around you; or you getting drawn into playing peacemaker.
Mars then ingresses your tenth house of career and reputation, so you can see the theme of this Mars retrograde may very well be all about your work situation – particularly all the things/people that irk you with it. Watch out for conflicts of all kinds on the work front. This is a time where your public reputation might be challenged by various conflicts, especially people popping up in the public/work sphere.

Your work situation might be on fire these days, whether for good or bad. Definitely watch out for all kinds of conflicts at work, and with your reputation and public self in general. Because Mars rules your Ascendant, you might be feeling this even more strongly. Your energy levels maybe be very uneven and you might also be more emotionally vulnerable – taking slights very personally.
As we move into 2025, Mars enters your ninth house of higher education, spirituality/religion, philosophy and long-distance travel. Things related to these topics may taken on a bigger role during this time, particularly working out conflicts related to these areas. The emotional vulnerability may continue all retrograde, so continue to work on managing yourself when you inevitably get triggered.

Mars begins the retrograde in your ninth house of higher education, spirituality/religions, philosophy and long-distance travel. Just like Scorpio rising people, you may find more conflicts cropping up with things related to these topics.
Moving into 2025, Mars moves into your eighth house. There may be sudden unexpected expenses or issues with your partner’s finances, or with other “bank money” – things like debts, loans, inheritances, mortgages, taxes, investments, and so on. This might also be a period of time where the topic of death becomes more highlighted. Now, don’t panic! This is not a prediction of death by an means, it just means that you may experience conflicts related to death in a very general sense – fighting over inheritances would be the most stereotypical example of what I’m referring to here.

The beginning of the Mars retrograde cycle begins in your eighth house, which is associated with your partner’s finances and other money-related things like debts, loans, inheritances, mortgages and taxes. Try to ride out any conflicts around these areas as best you can, and don’t be afraid to get help or a second opinion.
Moving into 2025, you may notice some more conflicts popping up with your partner. This is often your romantic partner, but could also be a business partner or anyone you have a very close one-on-one relationship with. If you do any one-on-one client work, that’s often a seventh house topic. Be careful for conflicts related to all these types of people, which may very well be related to the “other people’s money” topics that came up at the start of the retrograde. Now is maybe not the best time to have heated money discussions with your partner – but they might also be impossible to avoid, too.

Partnerships of all kinds are highlighted at the start of this retrograde. Often this is your spouse or other romantic partner, but can also be a business partner, your ride-or-die bestie, and any clients that you see one-on-one. There’s a heightened chance for conflict with any of these people, so do your best to try to keep a level head – or know when to bow out of the conversation gracefully.
Come January, you’ll start to feel a lot of pressure build up around your daily habits and routines, all the chores and labours and daily grind activities. Make sure to take your vitamins and stick to your health routines, because this is a period where you have a higher risk of getting sick, and for inflammation in general. Sometimes we need that reset, however – especially when it’s the workaholic/hustle mentality that causes us to burn out and get sick in the first place.

Hopefully you took the time to develop and/or stick to some healthy routines and habits as the retrograde started, because that was really the focus area for the beginning of this period. Conversely, you might also have started off getting sick, and having to take a step back from your daily grind. As you move into 2025, you have a chance to hopefully explore some more fun avenues of this retrograde – but keep in mind Mars’ tendencies to cut and burn. It might have some ideas about things you do for fun that actually need to go.
The early part of 2025 could also bring some conflicts related to children – either yours, or those present in your life, or your creative pursuits. Again, you might feel like it’s difficult to have fun during this time, for whatever reason. Or, perhaps this retrograde will deliver a sultry affair – that’s on the table as well! It might not last, but is sure to be a spicy time.