Tag: 2024 Astrology

Breaking the Dragon: 2024 Astrology Update on Nightbird Radio

Mel is back on Nightbird Radio talking about the astrology of 2024 – what happened in the first part of the year and what’s to come in the second half and into 2025. We talked about the Neptune Event Horizon/Saturn-Neptune Conjunction, Mars Retrograde in Leo/Cancer, Eclipses, Pluto in Aquarius, and more.

What did you think about my 2024 astrology predictions?

Join Mel to talk about Canada’s 2024 astrology forecast on Sunday, January 28, 2024 at a cafe-style event hosted by OPA, The Organization for Professional Astrology. This event is free for everyone!

Setting the Stage: 2024 Year-Ahead Astrology Forecast

2024 sets the stage for the much bigger show that happens in the second half of the decade. We should get some tantalizing glimpses of what’s to come.

The Astrology of Pluto in Aquarius, 2024 Edition

Pluto completes its ingress into Aquarius in 2024. Welcome to the cyberpunk era.

Polite Instability: Canada’s 2024 Astrology Forecast

The 2024 astrology forecast of Canada reveals some major shifts for the country, including a possible federal election. Justin Trudeau’s days in office are numbered, and the people of Canada are facing epochal shifts.

Join Mel live at Canada Talks: 2024 astrology forecast

Join Mel to talk about the current astrology on Saturday, December 9, 2023 at an upcoming cafe-style event through OPA, The Organization for Professional Astrology.