Twins and Twelfth Parts: Upcoming Presentation for OPA

Twins and Twelfth Parts: Upcoming Presentation for OPA

Note: this event has passed, but you can watch a recording of the webinar here or by clicking the button below.

Join me on Sunday, July 16, 2023 for a presentation I’m doing for OPA: Twins and Twelfth Parts.

Twin charts present a particularly fascinating challenge for astrologers. Being born only a few minutes apart means that twins have almost identical charts, so they require a bit of a different approach than standard natal delineations. Twelfth parts (also known as dwadasamsas/dwads or the dodekatemoria) are a simple and surprisingly effective technique that yields useful results when applied to twin charts. This presentation will discuss the basics of twelfth parts/dwads and then explore a few examples of twin charts and how twelfth parts can be used to yield meaningful insight into these nativities. You can use this technique for any natal chart, no need to be a twin!

This will be an online presentation, so anyone can join! The presentation is free for members of OPA, or $15 for non-members. Click on the button below for more information and to register. 

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