Tag: Eclipses

Astrological Remediation: Solar and Lunar Eclipse Mitigation

There are a few useful astrological remediation techniques to mitigate the negative effects of solar and lunar eclipses, including hiding from eclipse light, cleansing, prayer and fasting.

The Eclipses of 2022: Astrology, Geography and Geopolitics

We’re about to get the first eclipse of the year, so it’s high time that I posted about them. Eclipses mark moments of profound change and transformation, and often strife and difficulty. The ancients viewed […]

Eclipses and Saros Cycles in Astronomy and Astrology

I’ve been doing some research on eclipses and realized it would be useful to have an “Eclipse 101” type of reference post. There’s a lot of basic astronomical information about eclipses that’s really useful to […]

The Astrology of 2022: Mars Retrograde in Gemini

*Update August 20, 2022: This is the first article I wrote about the Mars transits in 2022. I have since written a few more recent articles:  Astrology Horoscopes for Mars in Gemini 2022 War of […]

The Astrology of 2022: Mercury Retrogrades from Air to Earth

As I wrote about in my first post about the astrology of 2022, this year I’m doing a series of posts featuring each planet and their story in 2022. The inner planets/lights – Mercury, Venus, […]

The Astrology of 2022: Venus as the Goddess Inanna

I wanted to try something a little different for my annual forecast this year. Initially I planned to do the usual tour through the 12 months and talk about the big transits in chronological order. […]

Astrology of June 2021: Monthly Overview

June is a big month with a lot of major astrological transits. It will start with the usual (or unusual?) Mercury retrograde hijinks. This will be all the more prominent and unusual given that an […]